About Publications
The SAIEE has two publications: the wattnow magazine and the peer-reviewed research journal "SAIEE Africa Research Journal" (ARJ).

The wattnow magazine was launched on 16 October 2006 and addresses interesting subjects in Electrical Engineering such as robotics, rockets, automotive developments, astronomy, nanotechnology, bioengineering, telecoms and other brand new technologies. This magazine was brought in-house and revamped in November 2011 and is now being published by the SAIEE. The magazine is distributed to all SAIEE members. To submit content for the wattnow magazine, email minx@saiee.org.za or contact at 011 487 3003

The "SAIEE Africa Research Journal" of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, is an accredited, peer reviewed research journal published quarterly, covering research in all fields of electrical engineering. It is the only peer reviewed journal in the local electrical engineering sector.

Q: How do I get my paper published at the SAIEE?

A: You have one of two options.

1. The wattnow magazine. The article/paper specs are as follows:

  • Article to be supplied in a word document
  • ± 800 – 3000 words Any images to be sent as ATTACHMENTS in an email or via dropbox and sent to minx@saiee.org.za.
  • Images supplied must be 300dpi jpegs
  • Authors should specify if he/she is a member, and what his/her grade of membership is.
  • The article should not be selling a product or service.
  • Unless otherwise stated on the first page of the article, copyright in all contributions accepted for publication is vested in the SAIEE, from whom permission should be obtained for the publication of such material.

2. You can submit your  research paper for possible publication into the peer reviewed Africa Research Journal (this is published online). For the manuscript guidelnes, including upload link, please see: http://goo.gl/8OcZVe